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About BastCnc
Our history
BastCnc was established April 1st, 2016 and is now a part of Bast & Co A/S
We are expanding our competencies to be a stronger partner within machine repair!
In the future we can offer a complete solution for CNC-control systems both technical and electrical.
We have highly qualified el / automation technicians that are specialized in Siemens and Heidenhain control systems, where we amongst others can offer complete refurbishment and PLC adjustments.
Our work on CNC controlled machines is carried out efficiently and cost-consciously, due to our vast knowledge and expertise in the field.
To make your machine park more reliable and productive, we can provide service or alternatively change your current control system to a modern version. This can result in increased usability.
We offer to service customers both in Denmark and abroad with tasks within CNC solutions.
Bast & CO A/S was established in 1993 by Helge Bast and underwent a generational change in April 2005.
Today, the company is owned by Jens Hansen and a group of employees. The concept remains unchanged: we continue to focus on traditional workmanship combined with the latest technology within repair and maintenance of production equipment and machine tools. We adhere to a quality management system that guarantees uniform, documented services, and we have more than 3,000 m² of well-equipped workshops and offices at our disposal. The head office in Vejle is located a couple of hundred metres from motorway E45, and a number of our service technicians have been assigned to assist the Zealand branch. All technicians are provided with well-equipped service vehicles