The winners from our Whiskey competition

Competition at the VTM fair 2017

We would like to thank all the participants in our competition at the VTM fair.

 A winner was found each day for a bottle of Whiskey at our booth.

Here you can see the 4 winners.

Tillykke til Bent Buus Hansen fra BC værktøj Skive A/S som blev tirsdagens vinder.  På billedet ses kollega Anders Dalgas som tager imod flasken.
Congratulations to Bent Buus Hansen from BC tool Skive A / S who became Tuesday’s winner. The picture shows Bent’s colleague Anders Dalgas receiving the bottle.
Tillykke til Ruth Pedersen fra Jysk Stempel som blev onsdagens vinder.
Congratulations to Ruth Pedersen from Jysk Stempel who became Wednesday’s winner
Tillykke til Tom Nielsen fra Høyers maskinefabrik som blev Torsdagens vinder.
Congratulations to Tom Nielsen from Høyers Machine factory who became Thursday’s winner
Tillykke til Morten Brink fra Bila A/S som blev fredagens vinder.
Congratulations to Morten Brink from Bila A/S who became Friday’s winner

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